“Let’s be bad guys.” Okay, when and where?
This time when he was so noble he was practically a Disney prince.
20th Century Fox / Via purplethebunny.tumblr.com
And then when he got bored of that and was KICK ASS at being bad.
20th Century Fox / Via rebloggy.com
When he... was at least honest about his feelings?
20th Century Fox / Via giphy.com
Like really, really honest.
20th Century Fox / Via imgfave.com
When he wanted to have a frank discussion of human sexuality.
20th Century Fox / Via notabadday.tumblr.com
When he used the power of teamwork!
20th Century Fox / Via notabadday.tumblr.com
When he was the epitome of DGAF.
20th Century Fox
When he asked the questions that needed asking.
20th Century Fox / Via mrl0n3w01f96.tumblr.com
And even some that didn't.
20th Century Fox
When he said fuck you to hygiene and also almost his tongue.
20th Century Fox / Via ilovemytardis.tumblr.com
When he showed us how to be resourceful while maintaining a healthy diet.
20th Century Fox / Via wrong-url-motherfucker.tumblr.com
When he was appropriately freaked out by murder threats.
20th Century Fox / Via itsmyproblemfree.tumblr.com
When he was more sensible than everyone else.
20th Century Fox / Via xandraj5te.tumblr.com
20th Century Fox / Via xandraj5te.tumblr.com
When he did his job.
20th Century Fox / Via madmediamaven.tumblr.com
And went above and beyond his job, too!
20th Century Fox / Via notabadday.tumblr.com
When he let his inner Bridget Jones out.
20th Century Fox / Via tumblr.mylesbraithwaite.com
When you could FEEL his shifty eyes all the way from space.
20th Century Fox / Via fabricated-mayhem.tumblr.com
When he taught us the truth about how the economy works.
20th Century Fox / Via myhappyplaceisintheworldofsyfi.tumblr.com
When he put his boss pants on.
20th Century Fox / Via whedonversegifs.tumblr.com
20th Century Fox / Via whedonversegifs.tumblr.com
When arms.
20th Century Fox / Via dean-pls.tumblr.com
When he was... actually surprisingly wise. Huh.
And of course, when he was the fiercest momma's boy ever.
20th Century Fox / Via popwrapped.tumblr.com
To you, Jayne. Never change.
RIP Firefly.
20th Century Fox / Via imgur.com