I mean, WHY ELSE would Joss Whedon have signed with Disney? Avengers, shmavengers.
This Disney version of Joss Whedon's Firefly is incredible and it's a thing that needs to happen.
(Check out the larger version of the illustration on artist Stephen Byrne's Facebook page to fully appreciate its awesomeness.)
Courtesy of Stephen Byrne for BuzzFeed / Facebook: ArtworkOfStephenByrne / Via Twitter: @StephenByrne86
I mean, who doesn't want to see a version of Firefly with a tiny and deadly River Tam?
Courtesy of Stephen Byrne for BuzzFeed / Facebook: ArtworkOfStephenByrne / Via Twitter: @StephenByrne86
Or Zoe and Wash together again? WITH A HORSE.
Courtesy of Stephen Byrne for BuzzFeed / Facebook: ArtworkOfStephenByrne / Via Twitter: @StephenByrne86
Or a real firefly as part of the crew? Is he the fiesty mascot of this band of miscreants?
Courtesy of Stephen Byrne for BuzzFeed / Facebook: ArtworkOfStephenByrne / Via Twitter: @StephenByrne86
And if that wasn't enough, Byrne's also imagined what it would look like if Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer was animated by Disney, and the results are equally as awesome.
Courtesy of Stephen Byrne for BuzzFeed / Facebook: ArtworkOfStephenByrne / Via Twitter: @StephenByrne86
*Crosses fingers.*
Justin Lubin/Courtesy of ABC / MCT