Caution: The end of this post contains light spoilers for Civil War.
Hi, we're Ryan (in the mask) and Luke (in the man bun), and we recently sat down and watched all 12 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in one 25-hour marathon. And we didn't die! Then a few hours later, we went to a midnight screening of Captain America: Civil War.
Ryan Broderick / BuzzFeed
We decided not to watch the 13 movies included in Marvel's interconnected universe in the order they were released in, but, instead, chronologically. Marvel has released an official chronology of all the movies, which actually puts Captain America: The First Avenger first. A few movies happen almost simultaneously, so for those, we went with the order that made the after-credits scenes make the most sense. You can follow our whole harrowing journey over on the #25HoursOfMarvel hashtag.
The question we hoped to answer: Does the Marvel franchise actually make sense as one big story?
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ryan Broderick / BuzzFeed and MARVEL