WHY AREN’T YOU WATCHING YET? Spoilers for last night’s pilot.
When qualifications for gods were tested by bicep size.
ABC / Via koryuoftheriverflow.tumblr.com
When Howard Stark's hovercar finally worked.
ABC / Via believe-or-leave.tumblr.com
When Coulson and Hill played Pictionary.
ABC / Via maybeiwantthetrouble.tumblr.com
When Coulson shot a bitch (who happened to be on his own team).
ABC / Via believe-or-leave.tumblr.com
When Shepard Book showed up and he had put his hair away.
But we all know it's there. Waiting.
ABC / Via koryuoftheriverflow.tumblr.com
When Gramsy.
ABC / Via oywiththesexpoodlesalready.tumblr.com
The brOTP to end all brOTPs.
ABC / Via oywiththesexpoodlesalready.tumblr.com
When Melinda May made you want to grow up and be a bus driver.
ABC / Via gipsydangerr.tumblr.com
When penis jokes.
ABC / Via tell-me-another-horror-story.tumblr.com
When Simmons was like you don't even know me.
ilu simmons
ABC / Via hmurya.tumblr.com
When there was an ominously cheerful goodbye.
ABC / Via silverfake.tumblr.com
When unf really sexy tech everywhere.
ABC / Via craic-specialist.tumblr.com
When omfg science bros sciencing!
ABC / Via intrepidgirlblogger.tumblr.com
When Coulson couldn't help himself.
ABC / Via argentallison.tumblr.com