«Avengers: l'ère d'Ultron» pour les nuls
Quelques graphiques pour tout comprendre au nouveau blockbuster de Marvel. BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed France BuzzFeed...
View ArticleThere's A Weird, Old-Timey Rape Joke In "Avengers: Age Of Ultron"
Ew. Back in October, Marvel released this Avengers: Age of Ultron clip of the Avengers competing to see who can lift Thor's hammer. youtube.com Before Tony Stark gives it a try, he makes sure he'll...
View Article9 Feature Stories You Can't Miss This Week: Heroes, Hubris, And High Rollers
This week for BuzzFeed News, Gregory D. Johnsen chronicles the rise and resolve of CIA Director John Brennan. Read that and these other great stories from BuzzFeed News and around the web. The...
View ArticleThis Dark And Gritty Avengers Artwork Will Make You Even More Psyched To See...
Avengers assemble, indeed. Malaysian illustrator Daniel Kamarudin has a knack for creating dark rendition of popular characters. Daniel Kamarudin With the release of the Marvel's Avengers: Age of...
View ArticleNow There's A Whole Tango For The Marvel Cinematic Universe
You Can’t Escape The Marvel Universe MudvilleComedy / Via youtube.com
View ArticleWhy The Weird Girl Has To Be Wrong In "Age Of Ultron"
“That little witch is messin’ with your mind.” WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel When the Avengers' girl Friday, Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), explains the superhero twins...
View ArticleJoss Whedon Has Quit Twitter Amid Criticism Over "Avengers: Age Of Ultron"
The American director thanked his followers for their support before deactivating his account. Film director Joss Whedon has deleted his Twitter account after some viewers expressed frustrations with...
View ArticleJoss Whedon Calls “Horsesh*t” On Reports He Left Twitter Because Of Militant...
Joss Whedon at an event for Avengers: Age Of Ultron in Seoul, South Korea, on April 17, 2015. Ahn Young-joon / AP When filmmaker Joss Whedon decided to delete his Twitter account on Monday, the day...
View ArticleNon, Joss Whedon n'a pas quitté Twitter à cause des féministes
Joss Whedon le 17 avril 2015 à Séoul, en Corée du Sud, lors d'un événement lié à Avengers: l'ère d'Ultron. Ahn Young-joon / AP Lundi, quand Joss Whedon a décidé de supprimer son compte Twitter, alors...
View ArticleLes fans de «Buffy contre les vampires» nous disent quel est leur épisode...
On a demandé aux fans de nous dire quel était leur épisode préféré, et ce que la série signifiait pour eux. Attention, spoilers. «Phases» (saison 2, épisode 15) On apprend dans cet épisode qu'Oz, le...
View ArticleVous devriez VRAIMENT regarder «Buffy contre les vampires»
Si ce n’est pas déjà fait. Parce que c'est une série beaucoup plus intelligente qu'elle n'en a l'air. Si vous étiez enfant ou ado à l'époque de La Trilogie du samedi, vous associez peut-être Buffy...
View ArticleJoss Whedon Has Launched A Campaign To Get You To Vote — And Not For Trump
Keegan-Michael Key, Julianne Moore, Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Leslie Odom Jr., from Save the Day's "Important" PSA. Save the Day After slaying...
View ArticleThese Celebrities Know You're Tired Of All The Star-Studded Voting Ads
Apparently, he gets off on making these, you guys. In September, Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator and Avengers director Joss Whedon launched a campaign called Save the Day, encouraging people to vote...
View Article"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Gave Me My Own Scooby
Jade Schulz for BuzzFeed News On Jan. 12, 1998, I experienced a ’90s TV obsessive’s worst nightmare: I came home from a forced family outing to discover my VCR hadn’t recorded the latest episode of...
View ArticleHow “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Became Immortal
BuzzFeed News; Everett Collection (2); Netflix; HBO; Getty Images If you’ve ever had a show break your heart with the death of a major character, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is at least partly to blame....
View Article47 Little Facts You Probably Didn't Know About "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
Like that the show turns 20 years old today. Yes, really. The WB / BuzzFeed 1. The show's creator, Joss Whedon, decided to call his main character Buffy because "it was the name [he] could think of...
View ArticleThe Entire "Buffy" Cast Reunited For The Show's 20th Anniversary And I'm...
“This is like a high school reunion, but much worse, because they all still look really great.” Hey, Scoobies!!! You probably know that Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cult TV show and pillar of '90s pop...
View Article"The Avengers" Director Made Fun Of Child Cancer Survivors While Trolling...
Hollywood director Joss Whedon, who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, later apologized for making fun of a group of teenage cancer survivors while trolling Paul Ryan. House Speaker Paul Ryan hosted a...
View Article17 Things That Happened Because Of The Last Writers Strike
“The Celebrity Apprentice puts the defibrillator paddles to Donald Trump’s dying reality franchise.” —Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 2007 The last work stoppage started Nov. 5, 2007, and ended...
View ArticleMarvel’s Dark And Twisted Guardian
When James Gunn was a kid, he kept the universe in a cardboard box in his room.He was the oldest of six siblings — five boys, one girl — all born roughly a year apart starting in 1970. They lived in a...
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